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Harry Potter Page to Screen: The Complete Filmmaking Journey
Bob McCabe
The Passage
Justin Cronin
City of Bones - Cassandra Clare I like the principle behind this series... the plot is strong and has a lot of potential. but right now I find the characters annoying with the exception of Simon. hoping that changes as I move to book 2.

*****I just learned that this series was once a HARRY POTTER FANFIC. Um. No. Had i been a reader of Harry Potter fanfic, i might have known, although i can say i picked up on the similarities. This is a crime against the most beloved series of my life and I'm a little upset with myself now.*****
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close - Jonathan Safran Foer Seeing the loss of someone from September 11th through the eyes of a child is what gives this book its incredibly powerful meaning. At first, I thought Oskar was precocious and difficult to understand, but as you go on this extremely moving journey with him, you watch Oskar grow as he searches for anything he can about his father. You find yourself feeling his emotions, his sadness, his anger, his pain... and THAT is the sign of a beautifully written story. When you read that final word and you smile for the characters within the pages, it makes you want to applaud. I laughed, wept, and rejoiced throughout. Simply wonderful.
The Six Wives of Henry VIII - Alison Weir I used this as a source for a research paper, but found that I truly enjoyed it just for READING. The Tudor period is one of my favorites in British history, and it was good supplemental material when I was studying mostly Brit Lit in college.
Ulysses - James Joyce As far as classics go, this one is notorious for it's difficulty.
One Day - David Nicholls Emotional, touching, true depiction of love in real life. I think the relationship between Emma and Dexter is so relatable for so many. How often do we find the person we love the most passionately is our best friend? And how often do we wait too long to realize what was there and could have been our's all along, only to have it taken away too soon? This novel made me laugh and cry out loud and when all is said and done.... isn't that what real life does too?
The Almost Moon: A Novel - Alice Sebold Sebold is a decent writer (in my humble opinion) so I had a hard time wrapping my head around what went wrong with this novel. I was unable to finish this one.
Moll Flanders - Daniel Defoe This was such a tedious, daunting read. Thought it would never end.
The Merchant of Venice - William Shakespeare not my favorite Shakespeare.
These Things Hidden - Heather Gudenkauf I enjoy this authors prose, the way she tells her stories from several different POV's. This novel follows 4 very different women through a journey of secrets kept and revealed, all of them connected in a way that crashes into them. The characters are relatable. They could be anyone... someone you know in life now.

I gave this book three stars because, while it did entertain, and was an easy read, it was more of a Lifetime movie of the week plot. Not something I would re-read, but I would recommend it for those searching for something to give them a bit of a thrill, possibly a few tears, and an "AHA!" moment or two.
The Passage - Justin Cronin I really enjoyed this book, however, I do feel like it could have most definitely been broken down into at least 2 separate novels. The ending was of course a cliffhanger, but I have heard there will be a sequel.

Not like any other vampire or post-apocalyptic novel I've read. This was very descriptive and realistic and even thought provoking, despite it's fantastical theme of humans turned to vampires through outbreak. I'm giving it 4 stars, and definitely investigating the sequel's existence.
I Am Number Four - Pittacus Lore I abandoned this book. I tried to read it prior to the film adaptation's release, but found I was simply uninterested in the plot.
The Dark and Hollow Places - Carrie Ryan The books gets progressively better in my opinion. Carrie Ryan writes with such an appreciated fervor in what I think might be the last in this trilogy. Sad, but if it IS the end, she does it so nicely!
Water for Elephants - Sara Gruen Just as good the second time around as the first. A truly magical journey.